About Us

NK Essentials is a way of healthy lifestyle living built on a foundation rooted deeply in Indian origin. It brings together brands, nature based products, experts, fashion, trends and individuals that create a world where all living beings can co-exist harmoniously.
We hope to make this a collective movement that will be the driving force in creating change in consumer behavioural patterns by providing alternative solutions for a sustainable lifestyle.

We support and promotes local farmers, artisans, craftsmen and other community clusters who produce handcrafted, handwoven and handmade products. By supporting community-driven and sustainable practices, we all become responsible for the health of our community and the environment.

We believe in inspiring and introducing our partners to choose responsibly, whether they are involved in producing, packaging or buying consumer products. We encourage informed choices, ensuring a positive impact on the environment.

NK Essentials is bases itself on the promise to be true and to do our best to offer authenticity to the consumer. We aspire to build the trust of our fellow consumers as a reliable and authentic brand. Ethical practices strengthen the authenticity of our mission.

Our selection parameters allow us to identify entrepreneurs that are dedicated to delivering quality and building trust whilst moving towards a more earth-friendly approach. We support and guide sellers to work towards a more transparent and trustworthy process in terms of their product and packaging.